Savings Products
- Regular Savings Deposits : 1.5% p.a. interest
- Time Deposits : 5.0% p.a. interest (30-day TD)
- Share Capital
Credit Services
- Providential Loan (PL)
- The maximum amount for each member is based on the company’s 30% Net Take Home Pay Policy or the 70% of the amount stated per table of salary credits multiplied by the no. of service years whichever is lower. Members are advised to inform the coop of any increase in their basic pay and other deductions (i.e. SSS,Pag-ibig, Withholding tax,etc), so that the maximum PL amount will be adjusted accordingly.
- Maximum term of payment for PL is thirty six (36) months.
- Interest rate is pegged at 15% per annum based on diminishing annual balance. Service fee is .37% of Principal amount.
- In computing for the PL net proceeds (assuming the general policy on maximum total loan limit has not been reached), the following loan balances are deducted :
- Emergency loan
- Consumer (below 10 months term)
- Coop card
- Tie-up loan (50% of the balance on the adjustment made in May 2006)
- All unapplied deductions
- If a member has an existing Multi-Purpose Loan, her credit status must be approved by the Coop manager first before applying for a Providential Loan.
- Emergency Loan (EL)
- The maximum amount is P 3, 500.00 payable in six months.
- Interest rate is at 1.25% per month straight. Service fee is 1% of Principal amount.
- Renewal of loan allowed after four payments.
- Tie-up Loan
- The purpose for this loan is limited to hospitalization, major needs, pre-need plans, maternity and other benefits where the refund is waived in favor of the Coop.
- Interest rate is at 1.25% per month based on diminishing balance. Service fee is P30.00 per transaction.
- Consumer Loan
- Purchase Order (P.O.) for our consumer store, SM, cellular phones and other commodities fall under this type of loan.
- The maximum amount allowed depends on the capacity of a member to pay such loan on top of the amortization due for her other loans.
- Term of payment varies from 3 months to ten months.
- No interest is charged for purchases from coop consumer store. Service fee is P5.00 per P.O. and P1.00 to defray cost of the card.
- For purchases made at SM, an interest of 2.5% per month straight is charged. Service fee is P5.00 per P500 P.O.
- Coop Card/Medicine P.O.
- Purchase Order (P.O.) for coop accredited pharmacies (i.e. Rose Pharmacy, Mercury Drug) fall under this type of loan.
- Term of payment is 3 months (6 payments)
- Interest rate is pegged at 1.25% per month straight. Service fee is P5.00 per P500 P.O.
- Multi-Purpose Loan (MPL)
- A member may avail of an MPL equal to 100% of her share capital (fixed deposit) on top of other loans (provided the maximum total loan limit has not been reached) at an interest rate of 1.25% per month based on diminishing balance with service fee pegged at 1% of principal amount.
- A member may avail of an MPL at an amount more than her share capital (fixed deposit) on top of other loans (provided the maximum total loan limit has not been reached) at an interest rate of 1.25% per month based on diminishing balance with service fee pegged at 1% of principal amount under the following purposes :
- hospitalization
- education
- Coop ATM Redemption Program (CARP)
Note: The BOD may open or suspend the CARP based on availability of funds.
- The basis for computation on the amount will be based on the maximum total loan limit at 70%. For home improvement, real estate and vehicle purchase, the basis for computation on the amount will be the maximum total loan at 50% plus her share capital.
- The MPL mode of collection will be through ATM or issuance of post-dated checks (subject to coop manager’s approval) since this loan will exceed the company’s 30% Net Take Home Pay policy and thus will not be allowed for payroll deduction.
- A member is required to be in good standing (MIGS) at the time of MPL loan application.
- Mortuary Assistance Program (MAP)
- Healthcare Program (Intellicare)